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The Witch’s Redemption – Playscript

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As the curtain rises, we find ourselves in a small village nestled in the heart of the forest. The air is thick with a sense of foreboding as if an ancient curse is weighing down on the land. It’s been said that a witch once lived here and that she placed a curse upon the village before disappearing without a trace. And now, strange things are happening: crops are failing, animals are dying, and people are beginning to turn on each other.

Amidst the chaos, a group of brave villagers sets out to uncover the truth behind the curse and put an end to it once and for all. But as they delve deeper into the mysteries of the forest, they begin to realize that there may be more to the curse than meets the eye. Will they be able to break the witch’s hold over the village, or will they fall prey to her dark powers?

Join us for “The Witch’s Curse,” a tale of magic, mystery, and the power of the human spirit to overcome even the darkest of curses.




LILY –  A Brave Young Girl

TOM –  Her Best Friend

MARTHA –  The Village Healer

SARAH –  A Farmer’s Daughter

OLD MAN JENKINS – The Village Elder

THE WITCH – An Ominous Presence

Act I

Scene 1: The Village

(Lily and Tom enter)

LILY: (looking around nervously) Tom, have you noticed how quiet it is around here lately? It’s like everyone’s afraid to talk.

TOM: (shrugs) I dunno, Lily. Maybe they’re just busy with the harvest.

LILY: (shakes her head) It’s not just that. Something’s wrong. I can feel it.

(Martha enters)

MARTHA: (approaches them) Children, have you seen Sarah? Her father’s crops are failing and I need to speak with her.

TOM: (pointing) She’s over by the old mill, Martha.

MARTHA: Thank you, Tom. (exits)

LILY: (to Tom) Let’s follow her. I want to know what’s going on.

(Lily and Tom exit)

Scene 2: The Old Mill

(Sarah enters)

SARAH: (weeping) Oh, Martha, I don’t know what to do. My father’s crops are all dying and we won’t have enough food to last through the winter.

MARTHA: (comforting her) There, there, Sarah. We’ll find a way to help you. But first, we need to figure out what’s causing this.

LILY: (approaches them) I think I know who’s behind this.

TOM: (following her) Who?

LILY: The witch who used to live here. My grandmother used to tell me stories about her. She cursed the village before disappearing without a trace.

SARAH: (gasps) You don’t really believe that, do you?

LILY: (determined) I do. And I’m going to prove it.

(All exit)

Scene 3: The Forest

(Lily, Tom, Sarah, and Martha enter)

LILY: (looking around) According to my grandmother, the witch used to live somewhere in this forest.

TOM: (nervously) I don’t like this, Lily. It’s creepy.

MARTHA: (calming him down) There’s nothing to be afraid of, Tom. We’re here to help our village.

SARAH: (pointing) Look!

(Old Man Jenkins enter)

OLD MAN JENKINS: (breathless) Children, what are you doing out here? It’s not safe.

LILY: (determined) We’re looking for the witch who cursed our village. We have to stop her.

OLD MAN JENKINS: (shakes his head) You’re playing with fire, children. The witch is a powerful and dangerous foe.

LILY: (unfazed) We can’t just sit back and do nothing. We have to try.

(All exit)

Scene 4: The Witch’s Lair

(Lily, Tom, Sarah, Martha, and Old Man Jenkins enter)

LILY: (looking around) This must be it. The witch’s lair.

TOM: (whispers) I don’t like this.

SARAH: (whispers back) Me neither.

MARTHA: (whispers) Shh, we don’t want to wake her.

OLD MAN JENKINS: (whispers) Be careful, children. The witch is not to be trifled with.

(The Witch enters)

THE WITCH: (cackling) Who dares to disturb my slumber?

LILY: It is me, Lily, and my friends. We have come to put an end to your curse on our village.

THE WITCH: (laughs) Foolish children. You cannot break my curse. It will last forever.

MARTHA: (steps forward) We know about your curse, but we also know about your powers. Please, use your magic for good, not evil.

THE WITCH: (considers this for a moment) You have a point. Perhaps it’s time to end this curse once and for all.

(The Witch casts a spell and the curse is lifted)

LILY: (smiling) Thank you, Witch. You have saved our village.

THE WITCH: (nodding) Remember, children. Magic can be used for good or evil. It is up to you to choose wisely.

OLD MAN JENKINS: (smiling) Wise words, Witch. Thank you for helping us.

SARAH: (smiling) And thank you, Lily and friends, for saving our village.

TOM: (smiling) Yeah, who knew we had it in us?

LILY: (smiling) We make a pretty good team, don’t we?

(All exit)

End of play


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