Christ | K I D S I N - Free Playscripts for Kids! - Part 2

The Empty Tomb

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MARY  (the mother of James)








NARRATOR: Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome were watching from far away the place where Jesus was buried.



MARY MAGDALENE: Let´s go home.  The Sabbath is about to start, and besides the road is not safe at night.



SALOME: Yes, it´s true.  Anyway we already know where He is.



MARY: Meanwhile, let´s prepare the sweet spices and ointments to anoint Jesus´s body tomorrow morning.



NARRATOR: The three women walk together and they say.



MARY MAGDALENE: It´s so sad and painful.  Nevertheless I feel peace in my heart.



MARY: That´s right.  But I think that something important is about to happen.  Now we should prepare everything. Do you have everything we need?.



MARY MAGDALENE: Yes, I already have the balsam and aloes.



SALOME:  And I have the cinnamon, myrrh, and mint.



MARY:  What about the cassia and saffron?.



SALOME:  I´ll get them, don´t worry. Now, we have to rest.



NARRATOR:  Next day, very early in the morning they came to the grave site and brought the spices they had prepared.  Then Mary Magdalene asked.



MARY MAGDALENE: Who will move the huge stone for us?.



MARY: I know, it´s very heavy!.



SALOME: And we are not strong enough.



NARRATOR: But when they arrived at the tomb, to their astonishment, the huge stone had already been moved.



MARY MAGDALENE: Look!. Someone moved the stone!.



MARY: It´s impossible!.



SALOME: How could they?.



NARRATOR: They enter the sepulchre, and Jesus´body was not there.



MARY MAGDALENE, MARY AND SALOME: It´s empty!.  Where have they taken him?.



NARRADOR: They started to cry, and suddenly they saw an angel who asked them.



ANGEL: Why are you crying?.



MARY MAGDALENE: Because someone has moved Jesus’ body, and we don’t know where it is!.



ANGEL: I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.



MARY MAGDALENE, MARY, AND SALOME: Glory to God!.  He has risen!.  The tomb is empty.  Everybody listen, Christ has risen.  We have seen his empty tomb. He has risen!.






Author:  Four Canonical Gospels – Holy Bible



Adapted by: K I D S I N C O


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Who was Salome?

Salome was the wife of Zebedee and mother of James and John (Matt. 27:56)

Salome´s name means:Peace

She was one of the women who were followers of Jesus, who cared for His needs in Galilee. She was devoted enough to stand with Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of James and Joses, as they watched from a distance as Jesus was crucified. Mark 15:40,41.