November, 2022 | K I D S I N - Free Playscripts for Kids! - Part 2

Kikimora – A House Evil Spirit

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When she comes into a house, her main intention is to stay and never leave. She is Kikimora, a female house spirit in Slavic mythology.

Legend has it that Kikimora comes from the Other Side when something disturbing happens, such as babies dying before baptism or parents cursing their children. But the strangest way she is born is when a black cat jumps on a fresh grave then the corpse rises as Kikimora. When this spirit manifests itself, it does so by taking different forms; It can appear as a beautiful woman with long hair or a horrible deformed old lady with chicken, rabbit, or dog feet.

Generally, this demonic creature lives in abandoned houses, but is attracted to those near a cemetery, burned down houses, or where someone died of unnatural causes. When entering, it does it through the keyhole, which is why people leave the keys in the lock or obstruct it with pieces of paper so it cannot enter. However, if it manages to do so, it hides in the dark and damp corners or behind the stove and makes mouse-like squeaks, especially at night.

Unfortunately, when this dark spirit takes possession of a home, it is almost impossible to drive it away, let alone keep it happy. It reacts negatively and causes problems if the inhabitants generate negative energy with their behavior or if they are very messy and keep the place dirty. Then, at dusk, to prevent them from falling asleep, it starts whistling, makes a lot of noise, throws pots and pans into the air, opens and closes doors, and breaks dishes. On the contrary, if the family keeps the house impeccable and in perfect order, it acts as a protective spirit, warning them of possible dangers through signs, taking care of pets, washing the dishes, baking bread, and helping with household chores.

Another aspect that characterizes this entity is that it comes out of its hiding place at night and spends a few hours knitting without thread, then it dedicates itself to stealthily going through the house. If it arrives in front of a locked door, it enters through the keyhole. When inside, it remains motionless for a while, simply watching the person lying on the bed to be sure he is fast asleep. Later, it slowly approaches with its supernatural power, torments him with terrible nightmares, tries to strangle him, or even causes a fearsome sleep paralysis. However, if the person is awake and feels its presence, he should keep his eyes fixed on the pillow or on a window to avoid seeing it because if he does, diseases, misfortunes, and bad luck will follow him for the rest of his life.

If Kikimora lives in a  house, the only way to discourage her from destroying the lives of its occupants is by keeping everything clean, including washing pots and pans with fern tea and hanging juniper in the chicken coop because she likes to steal the eggs. And finally, pray devoutly before falling asleep.

Unfortunately, there is no way to remove it permanently from the house.






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