January, 2016 | K I D S I N CO.com - Free Playscripts for Kids! - Part 3

The Rooster and the Fox

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Click here to read this script in Spanish: EL GALLO Y EL ZORRO

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ACT 1 – In the Country


(The Fox enters and walks through the stage)


FOX:  What will I have for breakfast?. (He hears the Rooster crowing loudly)  Now I know!.  (looks  to the sides)  I think I heard my next meal!.  Where is that Rooster?.  (He keeps walking and reaches a hen pen.  He sees the Rooster, the Hen, the Goose, and the Duck)



HEN:  (to the Fox)  Oh, it’s you again!.


GOOSE:  Don’t you have anything to do?. 


DUCK:  You haven’t had breakfast, right?.   I bet you’re really hungry!.


FOX:   You’re wrong, I already had my breakfast.  I’m just taking a walk.


ROOSTER:  I don’t believe you.  You’re just waiting for a chance to come in and eat us all up. 


FOX:  I’d never do that.  Oh my, you don’t know me!.


HEN:  We’ve seen you many times around here, and we know that you want to get in.


FOX:  You’re wrong, and to prove it to you, I’m leaving right now because I have a lot of things to do. 


ROOSTER, HEN, GOOSE, AND DUCK:  Fine, leave, and don’t come back!.  


FOX:  (In a low voice)  I know Rooster, that some day I will get you, and then we’ll see who sings better!.  


(The Fox leaves)



ACT 2 –  Near a River


(The Fox enters)


FOX: I’ll drink some fresh water from the river.  (He approaches the river to drink some water and hears the Rooster crowing)  The Rooster!.   Where can he be if I’m far away from the hen pen?. (He looks to the sides, then he looks up and down and sees the Rooster up on a tree branch)  Well, well, well…it’s you, my dearest friend!  I’m so glad to see you!.


ROOSTER:  I’m pretty sure of that.


FOX:  Long time no see.  Why don’t you get down from that tree and come and say hello.


ROOSTER:  I would like to, but there’s one problem.


FOX:  What is it?.


ROOSTER:  There are some animals who like to eat hens and roosters.


FOX:  That means you still don’t know the good news.


ROOSTER:  What good news?.


FOX:  There’s been established a new peace treaty.  From now on, all the animals and birds will be friends and will live together in peace, harmony, and love.  So come on down so we can celebrate.


ROOSTER: Let me think about it.


FOX:  Look, sooner or later you’ll have to come down if you want to go back, so let’s walk together to the hen pen.  (The Rooster stretches his neck and looks in the distance)  What are you looking at?.


ROOSTER:  Oh, it’s nothing, don’t worry!.  I see some dogs running down the hill and it seems they are coming this way.  Don’t you hear them barking?.


FOX:  Really?.  Yes, I can hear them now.  They are getting closer!.


ROOSTER:  Oh my, they run so fast!.


FOX:  Oh, how could I forget!.  I promise this morning to visit one of my aunts who is very sick.  I’m sorry, but I have to go now.


ROOSTER:  Wait a minute, I’ll get down from here so you, the dogs and me, can talk about the new peace treaty you just mentioned.


FOX:  (Looking to the sides) I really would love to, but it’s getting late.


ROOSTER:  I suppose you’re not afraid of dogs.  I mean after the peace treaty you told me about, they would not harm you, right?.   Remember you said that we are all friends!.


FOX:  Of course not!.  But maybe they haven’t heard about the peace treaty.  Please excuse me, but I really have to leave.  Good-bye rooster!.  (He leaves)


ROOSTER:  He tried to deceive me with a peace treaty, but I also cheated on him!.




Author:  Aesop Fable


Adapted by: K I D S I N C O


Moral:  Beware of the sudden offers of friendship.


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